Dynamite this week opened on a different note than many of us are used to. Rather than getting right into the action, we had what now seems to be the final Jericho Appreciation Society Town Hall.

Jericho was lambasted by member after member of the faction built to worship him, as they all felt that, one way or another, he had lost his way. Sammy Guevara made clear that he wasn’t yet turning his back on him, believing that, if he just makes the right decision, things can work out, and they can still be a team. For now, though, he left, just as the others did. I felt the segment did a lot for both Jericho’s story and his now former compatriots. Time will tell which parts they give focus to.
After a commercial break, Renee tries to speak to Jericho, before Don Callis quickly interjects himself. They make clear that they’ll have the announcement on whether Jericho will join… next week.
Next up, we had Young Bucks vs The Hardys. The match was good, but the wear and tear that Matt and Jeff have suffered throughout their careers has shown as of late, especially with their mobility and speed. The Bucks get the win, and, after Nick calls them out, FTR arrive. The challenge is clearly laid out, and Nick makes clear where it’ll happen, simply saying “ALL IN”. This match, the third in their history, could be one of AEW’s best in ages.
It was announced that the Women’s World Title match would be a 4 way bout, similar to the women’s showcase match at the original All In. Toni Storm used her rematch clause to obtain a bye, Shida would defend against Anna Jay tonight to get in, Saraya would face Skye Blue this Friday on Rampage for her spot, and, to cap it off, the returning Bunny would face Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D to lay claim to the final slot!

Up next was Jack Perry vs Rob Van Dam, and, I’ve got to say, the match was a hoot. Rob Van Dam, despite being having lived a long career, is still amazing in the ring, and the crowd loves him. We saw many of his greatest hits, but, in the end, after Bryce went down and Aubrey had to run to the ring for a count, Jack Perry escaped with a low blow and a 1, 2, 3.
Next up, Better Than You Bay Bay came out. After some miscommunication over a possible promo battle, Adam Cole clarified why he brought them out there. They came so close to winning the tag titles, and he knows MJF still wants to achieve that with him. Because of that, he got them a shot against Aussie Open, and their ROH World Tag Team Championships! MJF seems bothered by the thought of working twice in one night, but, for his brochacho, he was willing to try.
At this point, Roderick Strong came out, questioning Adam on how he could’ve fallen for such a scumbag. MJF insulted him in response, and, when Strong looked crestfallen that Cole didn’t defend him, The Kingdom came out to comfort him. Cole got angry at MJF, as both of them are his friends, but he soon after apologizes to MJF, and they hugged it out. How will this continue to develop?
Up next was the results of the BCC winning the Parking Lot Brawl, Moxley and Castagnoli against the Lucha Bros. The match was hard hitting, with Fenix and Penta just barely managing to survive interference by Wheeler Yuta, until they finally fell to a cradle pin. The Lucha Bros were brutalized after the match, with Penta being unmasked by Claudio. This multi faction feud continues to brew.
Marvez tried to get a word in with Omega, but no luck. In the ring, the Mogul Embassy called out Darby, and he came out, attacking Fox for his actions, but also making clear that, for what he did for him, he would always be someone he have credit for changing his life. Fox may have new friends, but they may have forgotten about one of Darby’s. The lights go out, and Sting is in the ring, attacking the Mogul Embassy. the challenge is set for All In!
The main event wasn’t a stellar match, but it did what it needed. Anna Jay had both shining moments and flat ones, but Shida continues to show why she is the right person to make the Ace of AEW’s women’s division. a major title defense sends Shida into the All In 4 way clash.
Dynamite wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was an enjoyable show. I definitely want more consistent usage of The Elite, as it feels that Hangman has been given the cold shoulder. Time will tell.