Welcome to Grand Slam Rampage! We are opening with a major tag match between Darby and Sting, teaming against Christian Cage and Luchasaurus. The TNT Champs start out strong, working in sync and hurting Darby early. Darby refuses to back down, but that is proving a problem for his team, as the offense is getting laid into him. Finally, Darby manages to get the tag to Sting, and everything turns around. After a rush of offense, Darby tags back in. Christian nearly takes back control, but Nick Wayne catches his eye, which was enough to get Darby an advantage, and the win via roll-up. Christian Cage stares down Wayne after, as he undoubtedly has devilish plans. 

Up next is the remnants of a once great appreciation society, against a super team made up of two Champs, along with the man who had, arguably, AEW’s greatest title reign of all time. 2.0 and Anna Jay, with the help of Jake Hager, take an early advantage. Through frequent tags, they stay fresh and work over the cold hearted handsome devil, Hook. Slowly, as they always do, things unravel for those who took the most heinous path. After another attempt at cheating, the former appreciation society get their comeuppance, with Cassidy securing the win for his team with the Orange Punch.

Q.T.V is here with its latest episode. Q.T has been defending his title all across the world, but he’s back next week, teaming with Johnny TV. Don Callis is out next, and is here to gloat about securing his next member of his family, Sammy Guevara. Sammy is here to tell us why he did what he did. He truly hated Don for quite some time, but he realized everything Don wanted aligned with him, and that he’d finally have a family. Guevara felt he’d been mistreated by Jericho and the fans, and both were dead to him. Jericho is out next, and he is pissed. He rushes the ring, but, after getting some licks in, the numbers game got to him. Don looked as though he was about to put Jericho out for good with that damn screwdriver, when Kenny ran out to make the save! Jericho and Kenny may still be on rocky ground, but they now have a common enemy in front of them.

Marvez is in the back to get context on Omega helping Jericho, and he makes clear that this happened purely because he has unfinished business with Don. Jericho walks up, and agrees, but he also believes that Omega and himself uniting would be the stake through the heart of the Don Callis Family. Add Ibushi into the mix, and you’ve got a major challenge at Wrestledream, which could prove to be Don’s wrestle nightmare!

Up next is our four way tag contest to determine the #1 contenders for the ROH Tag titles. The match is as chaotic as you’d expect it to be, with moves all over the place, and every team on top at some point in the affair. Of note, The Best Friends hit their signature hug, because you’ve got to give the people what they want! Those Best Friends manage to take control for a time, but all things are fleeting in a match like this. The Righteous are proving to still be too much for The Hardys, and, through a sneaky pin, Jeff’s Swanton, and one of Vincent’s own, they steal the pin on Trent. The Kingdom attack Chuck and Trent after the match, and I suspect they’ll face off soon. 

Kicking off the second hour, after a vignette about Santana’s grueling recovery period, Dark Order are here to proclaim themselves as good as they say their opponents are not, and to become champs. The Acclaimed, after a rap that jabbed at Aaron Rodger, are here to defend their titles. Caster and Reynolds start the match, and its a back and forth affair. The trios offense of the Acclaimed is dominant, until they stop to taunt, allowing Dark Order to take control. That control lasts for some time, until Billy gets the tag. This gives the Acclaimed time to recover, and they manage to hit a Mic Drop for a close count. Uno takes advantage of Silver distracting the ref to hit a belt shot, but it also results in a close count. The Acclaimed reclaim control, manage to hit their alternate tag finish, and get the win in a very competitive bout. 

The next match up is a singles bout between two young, developing talents in AEW’s women’s division, Skye Blue and Julia Hart. We see a lot of mind games, and then the game is afoot. Skye lays in strikes, but Julia takes control early. Both women get in shots, but it isn’t until Julia hits a spider vertical superplex that she truly gains advantage. After a bit more back and forth, Julia locks in her submission finish, and gets the win. She locks in it again after the match, but Willow in her street clothes makes the save. Julia, leering from behind Brody King.

We hear from Bullet Club Gold, the Bang Bang Gang, Top Shelf Gun Singers, in the lead up to Jay White against Andrade tomorrow night. They are so damn good! The next match is Santana, in his first singles match since his injury. He is facing off with Dirty Bulk Bronson, a member of the Iron Savages. Bronson starts off strong, but Santana takes control and doesn’t let go, hitting cutters and lariats galore. He hits a huge cannonball senton and then a modified gut buster for the win. His former tag partner, Ortiz, came out to confront him. Their relationship has been burned, but a rivalry could emerge from the ashes. 

Now, it’s time for the main event! The Hungbucks (Trademark in new ownership) are here to challenge the Mogul Embassy for their ROH World Six Man Championships. They look to become two time Champs, but, to do so, they have to beat the most dominant Champions the division has seen in quite some time. The Young Bucks and Hangman Adam Page are fighting with a higher level of chemistry then they possibly ever have, and they are dominating. Right when it looks like they have it won, Swerve’s music hits, and Nana hits them with the dance. As Hangman is distracted by his Wrestledream opponent, the Mogul Embassy finds themselves back in the driver’s seat, and nearly get the win with a monstrous momentum launched powerbomb. The Elite, try as they may to take back control, are now on the backfoot, as they try to get back into this match. Finally getting Hangman back in, he goes on a tear against the Mogul Embassy, until Cage catches him and takes him out with a water wheel drop. A massive move off the top is attempted, but Hangman hits a super hurricanrana for a reversal. Mogul Embassy retain control, however, and nearly pin Hangman twice with major offense. Right when it looks like Hangman is about to get the win via buckshot lariat, Swerve walks to the ring, and, distracted, Hangman misses Cage. Swerve likely thought he had Hangman all figured out, as Brian had him up for a powerbomb, but Hangman risked it all, dropping himself to roll him up, and win the Six Man titles! Swerve is angry, and we have new Champs in ROH! Amazing main event, and a killer Rampage, easily the best in ages. I look forward to this title reign, but, sooner than that, I look forward to Swerve and Hangman at Wrestledream.

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