The first Collision of the New era is here, and we are kicking off hot with the second Jon Moxley title defense! This time, Action Andretti answers the call, hoping to shock everyone just as he did against Chris Jericho. Jon Moxley takes control early, laying into Andretti with chops and strikes. He tried to rally, but Moxley is on his game, and not letting up. Action found his opening with a dive, but it didn’t take long for Moxley to strike back. This success may have gone to his head, as Moxley went to the top.

This mistake gave Andretti his best run yet, hitting a flurry of strikes and aerial attacks that left Moxley rocking, and, for a good amount of time, Action was in the driver’s seat. Moxley seized on a missed dive, however, and hit one of his own. Andretti would fight back, but a dive countered into a cutter would once again solidify Moxley’s lead. Andretti refused to be beaten, and kept on fighting, even getting a 2 count on Moxley. He hit many great moves and countered some of Moxley’s, including a top rope German, but using the BCC’s head stomps was his undoing, as Moxley reversed it into a rear naked choke and got the tap out victory. I can already tell I’ll love Moxley’s title reign. 

Roddy talked about his history with Adam Cole. He still loves the guy, but Adam changed, and he hasn’t. He will win the tourney and the title. Even then, though, he still won’t be happy. Roderick’s character work is off the charts. Up next, we have Statlander holding an open challenge for the TBS title. The individual to answer was Robyn Renegade… or is it? You can never tell with the Renegade sisters and their magic switching. The match was relatively competitive, with a lot of interference by Charlette, but Statlander got the win.

The match was good, but I had hoped for a bigger return… good thing I got it! Jade Cargill made her return, saving Statlander from the Renegades, before attacking Statlander herself. She wants her belt back, and she sent a message to the woman who beat her for it. I want Jade as a face, but I can wait, as I suspect she needs to lose once more to Statlander, in a far more competitive match, before she can undergo that change. We also got an interview with Saraya and Ruby, continuing the story of Toni and her insanity. Could she win the four way, and get the title shot at Grand Slam?

Next up, we had a sit-down interview between Claudio and Kingston, throwing barbs over their history, and setting up a major title match at Grand Slam between the two. This could be match of the night. After that, we had a trios match, between Bullet Club Gold and the team of Gravity, Aero star, and Dios Del Inframundo. The Bang Bang Gang started out strong, but the luchadores took it back. Andrade watches from the back, could he be considering recruiting, or looking for new opponents? Time will tell. Juice Robinson wrests control back for his team, but Gravity got the tag to Aerostar, and him and Dios del Inframundo manage some good offense. The team cohesion of BC Gold regains them the offensive edge, and Juice gets the pin over Dios Del Inframundo.

Miro’s estranged wife rants about how stubborn her husband can be, and how she stayed away for quite some time. That time is now over, and the coldest manager returns to knock some sense into him. Dark Order are back to their good ways, if they are to be believed. Yes, the recruitment ads have returned, and they are marvelous. The Acclaimed also hype up their world tour, taking the trios titles everywhere!

Now, we have Fenix’s first match back since Moxley put him on the shelf. He’s after that International Championship, and he’s after Moxley himself. His path to him starts with Angelico, who is giving him more trouble than he likely expected. Fenix is still recovering, and a feisty Angelico will be looking to capitalize on that. He keeps getting close to a win, but Fenix is hitting major move after major move, before hitting a rolling cutter for a 2.9, and then winning with the Fenix driver. Great match, I hope Angelico is getting more of an opportunity.

FTR announced their own open challenge for young and hungry tag teams to prove themselves to them and AEW. Up next, however, we have a singles bout, as Roderick Strong and Darby Allin face off in the first tourney match of the night. That won’t happen if Luchasaurus and Christian have anything to say about it, as they beat down Darby in the back. Still, Darby fights on, and enters the match against Nick Wayne’s pleas. Roddy takes control easily, but Darby eventually fights back, willing to put his body on the line like he does every night, for a shot at the world championship. Roddy’s back breaking offense keeps ending Darby’s momentum, however, as Darby is barely staying up. His resilience is the only thing keeping his hopes alive. 

That power may not be able to survive a top rope assisted back breaker, however. Still, he perseveres for the chance at becoming world champion, much to Roddy’s dismay. Darby finally gained a second wind, hitting a stunner and body block from the top rope, giving him a chance to breathe. At that moment, AR Fox comes out to check on him, and drama ensues. Darby almost has the win, but the Kingdom take out Nick Wayne with the accidental help of AR Fox, and the distraction is enough to let Roddy get his knees up for the Coffin Drop, hit the End of Heartache, and get the win. Roddy advances to the finals of the tournament, next week. After the match, Wayne checks on Darby, but is still angry with Fox. A match could be in their future, I suspect.

We see that Hobbs knows this chapter with Miro is yet to be finished. He had a great match, but all must fall to the Book of Hobbs. Keith Lee clarifies that, while he’s had success as a tag wrestler, he’s focused on singles competition. While some people call themselves Colliders, now that he’s here, he is the Collision!

Up next, we hear from Bryan Danielson. He put Starks out, so you have to ask, what’s next? Well, he’s on his last run. The man has a 6 year old daughter, who wants him to be home when she’s 7. He’s focused on making this year the most epic year of his career, and he’s calling his shot against Zack Sabre Jr at WrestleDream! Starks doesn’t like the sound of that. He’s pissed that the other man is getting the attention he deserves. He’s no longer hungry, he’s greedy. Danielson approves of him after his match, and offers him a spot in the BCC. Big Bill jumps Danielson before Ricky can accept, and Ricky drags him off… so that Ricky can get his licks in. Moxley tries to save him, but he eats a big boot from Big Bill. Starks and Bill looked killer here, and I can’t wait to see where this goes!

Big Bill talks big about his newly booked title match against Moxley this Wednesday, but Fenix makes clear his score with Mox isn’t settled. Big Bill recommends he becomes more concerned with his brother’s upcoming match against Samoa Joe. Speaking of, here’s our main event! Joe and Penta fire off shots at each other, but Joe weathers the storm and takes control. Joe tries to out think Penta, but to no avail, and goes back to the well with many strikes, along with throwing him into the barricade. Penta fights back into it, hits Joe with some major kicks, and sets up a table on the outside. The shots continue in the ring, and Penta attempts a diving foot stomp, but Joe moves and hits a strong running elbow. Joe takes over from this point onward, working down the body of his opponent.

As the crowd gets behind him, Penta fights back, but Joe keeps up with him. Joe nearly goes down from a major back breaker, but kicks out. Joe blasts back with a huge slam, but Penta manages a kick out of his own. Penta takes back control and knocks Joe loopy, but, after a lot of damage, Joe finally recovers. Still, Penta smells blood, and hunts him down with strikes and dives. A dive would be his undoing, as Joe would move and Penta would crash through his own table. Penta would make one final push, but Joe would counter the Penta driver into the Coquina Clutch, and get the win. Amazing Match, and Joe vs Roddy has all the makings of an amazing final. This was the best Collision yet, and I look forward to the continuation of the Danielson agenda in the weeks to come!

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